Monday, August 27, 2007

First Day of Preschool

Ethan started preschool today. He says that he had a good time and was a little scared, but did not cry. I got there early to pick him up so that other kids were not leaving before him. Sometimes that makes him nervous. Here is what his day was like in his words. One boy pooped in his pants and put his finger in it and spread it on the floor. He had to go in the office and the teacher wiped his bottom and he had to stay in his clothes because he did not have other clothes. Played washing machine, played in the library center, made a shirt, some other kids cried, colored a lot. His teacher, Ms. Serina, read 4 books. One was about a kid at his first day of preschool and he was scared and the teacher in the book did not realize that. He did not go outside to play. He ate his lunch and ate all his pizza crust for the first time. He says he had a good day, but was a little bit scared. He is excited to go back again because it is a nice school.

This is what Ethan just told me to write. I think he had a good day. He will not get to go back until next Monday because we are going to visit Nana, Papa and Aunt Joy in Concord on Wednesday.

We do not have a highchair in our house any more!! Aubrey and I took a trip to Walmart and got her a booster chair to sit in. While she napped I got it together. I realized while doing her chair how much Derek has rubbed off on me. Since the chairs only come in blue and pink and those do not match the decor of our house, I spray painted the chair with special spray paint for plastic. I am very proud of my work! I even put plastic all around the uphostry of the kitchen chair so Aubrey does not ruin it. There was a time in my life where I would not have thought twice about putting a pink chair at the kitchen table even though it did not match. What has Derek done to me? He will be so proud! Here is a picture of my hard work.

See how nicely it blends in. I just have to figure out what to do with the blue straps.

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