Friday, May 30, 2008
New Haircut
I took advantage of Derek being home with the kids this morning and got my hair cut. My sister Laura had given me a gift certificate for my birthday to a spa that does hair as well. I have never really spent any money on my hair so I thought it would be a nice treat. I really like it and it looks a little different in person than in the picture. Thank you Laura for the generous gift! Ethan loved it (I am training him so well) and Derek said it was different, but he liked it. At least he noticed a change this time!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Jam Session
Aubrey and I ran an errand this afternoon and we came home to Derek and Ethan having a little jam session. They were belting out Every Move I Make. It was so sweet I grabbed my camera and Aubrey was ready to take her position on the drums. Notice she is still in her princess dress. I love that Derek is the kind of dad who plays with the kids and has fun with them. He is playing good guy, bad guy with Ethan as I type. I was a little behind on blogging so I think I have successfully caught you up with the exciting things that go on in the Overton home.

Princess Aubrey
Aubrey is really into the whole princess thing right now. We pulled out a dress that Gabriella passed down to us and she loved it this time around. She loves to watch the princess movies. She wore this dress almost all day today. We went to the pool today to join for the summer and there were a bunch of old ladies doing water aerobics. They all stopped and gushed over her. She also got a lot of attention when we went to church for a meeting. I took it off for lunch and her nap and Derek came home early so I could make a doctors appointment and when I came home it was back on. I did not get a picture but my favorite was her climbing the ladder to the playground in her dress and rain boots. It was a classic. I am not sure the boots would have really shown in the picture though because the dress is so long. I will try to get a picture next time. 
What a little ham.
Work Entertainment
Yesterday I was trying to do some work for church. The kids came in and decided to do a concert for me while I was working on the computer. It was cute to see them play together. A little loud and distracting, but cute.

Ethan on the keys.

Aubrey showing some serious drum skills - I like that she is holding the stick backwards.
Here is another picture of them playing together. Ethan was helping Aubrey wash her baby out on the porch. They were both soaked by the time they were done.
Aubrey showing some serious drum skills - I like that she is holding the stick backwards.
Fun With Cousins
Derek's sister Melody and her family were in town for Derek's ordination and the kids had a lot of fun playing together. On Sunday we just hung out around the house and you will see Aubrey in just a t-shirt and diaper which she rarely does. She loved it. Ethan also enjoyed not wearing a shirt like his cousin Noah. On Monday we went to play miniature golf before they had to leave. Just the kids played and it was the quickest round ever. Thanks for all the pictures Melody - I forgot my camera at golf.

Derek's Ordination
Derek was ordained into the ministry officially on Saturday night. His whole family was in town for the occasion. In the Baptist church the first church that you serve typically ordains you, however that was not the case for Derek. When Pastor Greg discovered that Derek was not ordained, he quickly expressed an interest in ordaining him. Pastor Greg started with Derek's background. He addressed Derek's parents and honored them for raising him in a Godly home. Greg discussed how Derek had a love for architecture and was in the program at UNCC for 2 years to become an architect. It was then that God called him into ministry where he wanted him to build lives and not buildings. Derek then went on to Liberty to get his degree in worship ministry. Pastor mentioned many wonderful things about Derek - my favorite being that he has an unusual ability to lead people into the presence of God. Worship is never a performance for Derek, but always and experience. That is one of the things I love best about Derek - his heart for ministry. I think anyone who has served with in in the worship ministry would agree to that and it is a rare thing to find. The staff and one of the elders (who is involved in the worship ministry) all took turns praying over him. The sum it all up - they put their stamp of approval on Derek and his ministry. It was memorable experience. We are also excited about the financial befits to having him ordained.
Pastor Greg telling Derek's background.

The staff praying over him.
It is official - can you tell I am a proud wife or what. I am very proud of Derek and am honored be beside him in ministry.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Preschool Graduation
Ethan graduated from preschool on Thursday night. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. He is off to Kindergarten in the fall. Ethan is such a sweet and wonderful boy and I love him with all my heart.
All dressed up before graduation.
How sweet - they actually look like they like each other.
Singing in the program
Walking in for graduation
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