Thursday, May 29, 2008

Derek's Ordination

Derek was ordained into the ministry officially on Saturday night. His whole family was in town for the occasion. In the Baptist church the first church that you serve typically ordains you, however that was not the case for Derek. When Pastor Greg discovered that Derek was not ordained, he quickly expressed an interest in ordaining him. Pastor Greg started with Derek's background. He addressed Derek's parents and honored them for raising him in a Godly home. Greg discussed how Derek had a love for architecture and was in the program at UNCC for 2 years to become an architect. It was then that God called him into ministry where he wanted him to build lives and not buildings. Derek then went on to Liberty to get his degree in worship ministry. Pastor mentioned many wonderful things about Derek - my favorite being that he has an unusual ability to lead people into the presence of God. Worship is never a performance for Derek, but always and experience. That is one of the things I love best about Derek - his heart for ministry. I think anyone who has served with in in the worship ministry would agree to that and it is a rare thing to find. The staff and one of the elders (who is involved in the worship ministry) all took turns praying over him. The sum it all up - they put their stamp of approval on Derek and his ministry. It was memorable experience. We are also excited about the financial befits to having him ordained.
Pastor Greg telling Derek's background.

The staff praying over him.
It is official - can you tell I am a proud wife or what. I am very proud of Derek and am honored be beside him in ministry.

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

Congratulations, Derek!! Heather I love the new haircut. It looks awesome! :)