Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dance Class

Aubrey had her first dance class today, so we had to try on all our outfits to see which one she wanted to wear.
Derek hung this mirror for her yesterday on the back of her door. She loves it! After he finished she ran up to his legs and gave him the biggest hug and "Thank you daddy!" Made his heart melt. Here she is checking herself out in the mirror.
Option number 2. This one is velvet though, so we might save this more for winter time.
This was the winning outfit for today. She just looks too cute! We had to stop by church to show Daddy and everyone else who was there her dance outfit before we went to class. (Pam, we could not find you and Rebekah you were on the phone)

There was only one other girl in her class today, but a few more are supposed to join. This one was opened up since the Saturday was full, but I wanted a weekday anyway. She was a little nervous at first and did not want me to leave the room, but I could hear from outside that she was having fun and already had started peppering her teacher with questions such as "Where are your shoes?" I knew the shyness would not last long!
The door was closed, but Ethan and I peaked in a few times to see what she was doing. I stuck my camera in one time a got a few shots.
I could tell that she loved watching herself in the mirror that runs along one wall. I think this was where she was hopping like a bunny.
She loved it and is very excited to go back next week. I think the best part is the dance clothes though- she did not want to take them off when we got home. Choosing my battles, this one she won.

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