Wednesday, January 16, 2008

No More Braces!!

We are happy to report that Aubrey's doctor appointment today went very well. She does not need to wear her braces anymore. The doctor said they did what they were supposed to do and Aubrey seems perfectly fine. He did take an x-ray of her hips just to make sure and that turned out fine as well. We are very thankful for the good news.

Our friend Jill is also home from the hospital and doing much better. Another blessing for the day.

We got home from Jacksonville around 7:30 and I planned on making brownies and relaxing on the couch and watching American Idol. I am still recovering from a bad head cold and ear infections. Well, notice I said planned on doing this. Bruster changed all of that. He had pooped all in his crate while we were gone, but it got better. He drank the bath water, you can imagine what it was like, while Derek was bathing him. He then threw up a wonderful smelling brown substance 5 times, two of them being on our couch. Derek and Ethan set off to Walmart to get a carpet cleaner. After moping the bathroom and kitchen floors and cleaning out his crate, we set out to tackle the couch. He then decided to have two bouts of diarrhea on the carpet. Oh, did I mention that is was raining outside while I hosed down and washed his crate. Well, after and wonderful evening of cleaning up I was felt so gross that I had to take a shower. It is now 10:30 and I think my evening is done. After Bruster threw up on our couch I told Derek that was the last straw, he was gone. Derek went and told Ethan at Walmart that sometimes we do bad things and God still loves us. Now, how can I go and get rid of Bruster after a comment like that. It is very true, but I told Derek I have never loved Bruster so it does not count. So I caved and we will keep Bruster around a little longer. I am definitely not in the love stage with Bruster yet!

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