Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Aubrey's Dollhouse

I came home from dropping Ethan off at school and found Aubrey playing in her room. (She stayed home with Derek while he was getting ready)
She was playing with her doll house and talking to them. It was so cute. I just stood there for a few minutes watching her. I debated about grabbing the camera because I did not want to disturb her playing. Obviously from the pictures I decided to get the camera.
Sweet moments like these remind me of what a joy she really is and to treasure her. Much unlike the moment yesterday when I picked her up at preschool to find out she had been in time out yet again. Last Tuesday she was as well. Her punishment was no tv yesterday and also she can not wear a skirt to school on Thursday. She was really wanted to do that and I think that will be the worse of the two punishments. Anyway, another day today. Notice her hair, she said Daddy did it, but I am not so sure Aubrey did not do it.
Check out the back of this masterpiece! She got her hair cut on Friday after their pictures were taken. She has been telling random people, like the cashier at the store, that she got her hair cut when she had not. This has been going on for about two weeks so I figured she must really want her hair cut. Derek was getting his cut so I let her get about an inch off as well. Funny thing is now that she has had her hair cut, she is no longer announcing it to people!

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