Saturday, March 27, 2010

Catching Up

I am not sure what has happened to my blogging here is a catch up post. All the things we have been up to. The kids were in a wedding at church for some friends of ours. They did a really good job.

Aubrey did not get to stand on the stage, she had to sit with me because we did not think she would do so well...good call. Ethan however, stood perfectly still.

The kids with Bob and Cindy. Cindy was the happiest bride I have ever seen!
Ethan lost another tooth, so he is now missing his two front teeth. Aubrey just wanted to be in the picture.
Derek says Ethan looks like a jack-o-lantern! His tooth had been loose for a couple of weeks, but not quite ready. Ethan was wrestling on the bed with Derek and his tooth got caught on the blanket and came right out!
Aubrey again, wanting to be in on the action. I tried a little more grown up hair style with her and it seemed to do well. This picture was after some wrestling with Daddy on the bed as well.
Ethan had his first science project at school. He was to design a race track and use a magnet for the car to go around. He really enjoyed it and did most of it himself. Aubrey and I went in while they were presenting, so here he is telling his class about his track. The Lego RV in the middle was a hit!

They got to go around and check out all the other tracks up close.
We liked the M&M people on this one.
Mr. Menard checking out Ethan's project.
Last night I was going through the closet where the Easter stuff was for the kids and found some presents Nana had given me at Christmas for Aubrey's birthday! Oops, but she sure did enjoy them last night.
A new nightgown which she had to wear last night. It is perfect for her because she loves strawberries and we sometimes call her Strawberry Aubrey - Derek came up with that!

Opening a pretty dress. So, that is what we have been up to recently. Ethan has also started soccer, so more pictures will be coming of that. The kids and I are driving up to Concord early Sunday morning and then Derek is going to fly up and join us on Wednesday. Looking forward to a fun and relaxing time!

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