Sunday, September 9, 2007

Killing Two Birds with One Stone

Tonight we went out to the beach to take a few quick pictures of Aubrey for her room. She has a surfer girl type room and we found a neat frame and wanted some pictures of her on the beach for it. Well, Ethan also had some homework to do for school tomorrow. We did a diary of one thing he did each day last week and we were supposed to take a family walk. I thought why not do our walk on the beach and get both things done. Nothing ever goes as planned. I was folding his paper (he was supposed to use his 5 senses on the walk) and putting it into my pocket, when a big wave came and knocked Aubrey over. I quickly ran to rescue her and the paper came out of my pocket (it was not in very well) and was washed away into the ocean. Of course this paper was stappled to the diary that we already completed. I have heard of the dog eating your homework, but not being washed away in the ocean. It was a very sad moment. Ethan's first homework assignment and it got washed away. Ethan handled it well as long as I promised to tell his teacher why he did not have it. We are going to try to get another one. It is rather humorous now.
Ethan was playing Max this morning before we went to church. My battery died so I did not get a very good picture. He ate his breakfast (Cherrios) and even drank two bowls of water. He is so creative. Max is the dog of our dear friends the Lamberts. I know you guys can picture Ethan doing this. This is the same kid who used a turkey baster as his microphone to do church at their house.

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