Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day

Ethan and I started out the day with a trip to the grocery store because we forgot the bacon for Daddy's bacon, egg and cheese biscuit. We made it back home quietly and surprised him with breakfast in bed. We did some yard work and then went over to our pastor's house for lunch. We enjoyed spending time with them and Barry and Laura came over as well. Ethan and Seth dressed up and had a great time playing today. Ethan was dressed in a sailor suit, but was really an Indian. Back at home I was planning on doing a fairly easy task - paint the trim outside around the front door. About 2 minutes into the job, I dropped the paint can all over the front porch. Needless to say, it made a huge mess. About an hour and a half later, after pressure washing and scrubbing the porch with a metal brush, my simple task was completed. I also had to repaint the front door black because paint spattered on that. I must say that Derek handled the incident pretty well. He just shakes his head and asks how that could happen. He says it could only happen to me.

For dinner tonight we enjoyed some watermelon. The kids really enjoyed it, Ethan ate 3 pieces. Derek was very clever and had them eat it in the shower. After they were finished we stripped off the clothes and washed them.

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