Sunday, September 18, 2011

Global 5K

I went away for the weekend with a friend to the Women of Joy conference in Orlando. While I was away the kids participated in the Global 5K at church. It was to raise funds for missions. They had a really good time. Here is Aubrey crossing the finish line of the kids fun run.

The highlight of the event was the medals.

I got to meet my favorite author, Karen Kingsbury, at the conference. She was signing books, but I had read all of her books and did not think to bring one of the ones I own with me. I did not have her children's books, so I got those and had her sign them. In my excitement over meeting her, I handed her the princess book and asked her to make it out to Ethan and the prince book to Aubrey. I realized it when I was at my seat and looking at them. All I could do was laugh. The kids thought it was pretty funny!

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