Monday, August 18, 2008

Ethan Goes To Kindergarten!

It was an exciting day at our house today. Ethan headed off to his first day of Kindergarten. He had a good day and is ready to go back tomorrow.

Mom woke up extra early to make waffles for breakfast, as requested by Ethan. I made him eat without his shirt so he did not get it dirty. By the way that is whipped cream on the waffle (Derek has spoiled my children).
We were ready in time to take some pictures. Aubrey had to get her backpack on and be like Ethan. Notice Ethan's matching lunch box that attaches to his backpack.
Another backpack shot.

The big boy all ready to go. Doesn't he look handsome in his uniform!

Aubrey wanted her picture taken with him.
Proud Mom on the big day.
Dad takes a quick picture too.
Ethan's room at school. This is just a temporary room at a church because the school will not be finished for a couple more weeks.

Ethan's behavior pocket. If it stays on the sun all day then he get to add a rainbow. If he has to remove the sun he has a rain drop, then cloud, followed by a storm cloud. If he gets a storm cloud he gets a note home (boy would that be a bad day to come home!) Ethan is going to try to get all suns. They did something today with magic playdough where it started out white and then if they were going to have a good year it changed to pink. He said all of them changed to pink so everyone was going to have a good year. His favorite rule he learned was that hands and feet are for helping.

This is Ethan in the opening "Town Meeting" this morning. They meet in a large room all together every day for their meeting and then go to their classes.
Guess who was first in line to pick Ethan up from school today? I felt kind of silly taking the picture, but I had to put his car rider number on my window so I used to opportunity to take a quick picture.We headed to Bruster's for a treat after school. Notice the shirt is now untucked. We will need to work on that.
Ethan and Dad doing his reading homework. Do you think Ethan is really listening?
He had a great day today, but it was a little quieter around the house today. Stay tuned tomorrow for Aubrey's first day of preschool. That means that I will have 4 hours all to myself. Whatever shall I do???

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

Oh my! I cannot belive Ethan in in school!!!! He looks so handsome. What ARE you going to do tomorrow when Aubrey starts school too? Savannah doesn't go back for a couple of weeks. :(