Thursday, January 24, 2008

All Before 9:00

So we had an eventful morning at our house. Let me give you some background for the story. Two days ago my elliptical machine stopped working. As luck would have it, after sorting through about 200 receipts, I could not find that one. So, I called Walmart and they were able to look it up by my credit card and print me copy of the receipt. Yesterday, I found a new one on Craig's List for $200 (which is what I paid for mine) and it was much nicer. So we bought it and then used the church van to pick it up and take it home after church. Derek was thrilled to be helping in the adventure! Earlier in the afternoon I tried to get my old one in my trunk and take it back to Walmart. Now, I knew it would not fit, but thought it would work and just stick out the back. Well, it got stuck. I had to call Ms. Linda (our neighbor to help). Okay, so this morning started at 5 am with Aubrey waking up. I got her back down, but could never get back to sleep. At 6:30 I got up excited to try out my new elliptical. Aubrey was awake again and cried the entire time I exercised. We had play group at 10, so I wanted to get a lot done be then because Grandma and Grandpa are coming today. So Aubrey and I showered and were ready to go and marking things off my list at a good pace this morning. I had Ethan coloring with her on the floor pictures for Aunt Kelly while I went into the garage to take apart some of my old elliptical so that it could fit in my trunk. Walmart said that was okay. I get out into the garage and start unscrewing my first bolt when Ethan comes out and tells me Aubrey has milk all in her hair. So I go in and just laugh and grab my camera. Ethan had his glass of milk on the floor while they were coloring and Aubrey knocked it over. She then slipped in it, sat down in it and then layed in it (this is according to Ethan). She had milk all over her. Oh, how I wish I had seen it. Her oatmeal was cooled enough so I decided to feed her before bath #2. This turned out to be a good idea. Aubrey is not eating much besides crackers right now so I was trilled that she ate the whole bowl of oatmeal. Well, on the last bite, she got choked and threw up all over herself and the floor I had just mopped up from the milk. I was tempted to take a picture, but thought it was too gross. Well, we had her second bathing of the morning and then managed to get the elliptical apart and into my trunk. We took it back and made it to play group only 20 minutes late. We had to save the post office and dry cleaners until after play group. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

Aubrey soaked in milk.
Another shot of milk just dripping down her. It looks like she is trying to catch it on her tongue.

The spilled milk that started it all.It did not phase Aubrey, she went right back to coloring. Never a dull moment at our house!

Here are some pictures the other night of Ethan giving Bruster a bath for the first time.

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