Sunday, July 25, 2010

Balloon Fun

Ethan learned how to blow up a balloon at camp on Friday. He was very excited about this and it lead to a trip to the dollar store to purchase more balloons to blow up.

We have been thinking of all kinds of things to do with balloons since we have so many of them. Ethan had me suspend this one in the air with my hair dryer this morning. That lead to seeing how many we could keep up at one time.
They have all different sizes and have made a balloon family. Notice the three small green balloon triplets in the middle. My sister Laura and I used to make water balloon families and play with them for hours. We eventually would have to bring out the tape for repairs when they would spring a leak.
After much practicing and a few tears this afternoon, Ethan can now tie a balloon. Look at the proud grin on his face!
Just to throw in a cute one of Aubrey. She looked like such a big girl today at church. This was a new outfit that she picked out because she really wanted the necklace. It is a little fuzzy because my lens kept fogging up this morning in this heat. Yes, that would be one of the baby balloons in her hand!

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