Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father's Day

We woke up on Sunday and made cinnamon rolls for Derek and gave him his cards and presents.

Ethan wanted to look just like Daddy and picked out his outfit all on his own. He loves his daddy. Derek is a wonderful father and really does enjoy spending time with the kids. They are blessed to have him as their father.
Ethan wanted to make some medals, so he made some with Derek out of clay. They are really cute and now are hanging in his "office."

VBS is this week so we have been very busy. The first few days are always the most time consuming with new kids still registering. The kids have been troopers being at church so much this week, but it is going well.

You will also notice that Ethan got his hair cut yesterday. Our stylist is doing the music for VBS, so you know it is bad when she tells him he needs to come and see her. Derek took him and got his head buzzed. I am not a big fan of the buzz cut, but he is still cute anyway and then we won't have to get it cut for awhile. It is funny now that Ethan really has an opinion about what he wants, and a buzz cut it was.

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

I love the haircut . . . it makes him look all grown up!